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Enhance Your Sexual Function with Yoga: «Sexual Energy» Complexes
In today's world, where stress and nervous tension have become constant companions in our lives, many people feel the negative impact on their sexual function. Whether you're experiencing such issues or simply want to improve your sexual potential, the «Sexual Energy» complexes are designed just for you.
What are the «Sexual Energy» complexes?
These unique yoga exercises are specially crafted to enhance blood circulation in the sexual organs and stabilize the systems responsible for sexual function. But we didn't stop there – our approach not only addresses the physical aspect but also influences the mind, activating the brain's programs that control sexual energy.
Three levels of difficulty for your choice:
- Basic Simplified – perfect for beginners and those practicing yoga at a basic level. This complex is suitable for a wide range of people, regardless of their level of training.
- Intermediate – for those who already have some yoga experience and are looking for more of a challenge. This level will help you enhance blood circulation and energy exchange in the body.
- Advanced Basic – for experienced practitioners ready for more complex tasks. This complex includes one element from a moderately high level of difficulty, but it can be adapted to your capabilities.
Who are these complexes for?
These exercises are suitable for both men and women. You can perform them alone or with your partner, depending on your needs and preferences.
Benefits of the «Sexual Energy» complex:
- Improved blood circulation in sexual organs
- Activation and stabilization of sexual function
- Increased energy levels and emotional satisfaction
- Strengthening the connection between body and mind
Start your journey to harmony and pleasure with the «Sexual Energy» complexes!
Choose your level and discover new possibilities for enhancing your life today.
«Sexual energy» sequences for improving sexual function (UA)
online viewing and downloading
Basic simplified
Комплекс базового, найпростішого рівня складності.
- duration - 00:22:05
- See screenlist
Взагалі то це комплекс легкого рівня складності, але остання асана все ж таки середнього рівня складності.
- duration - 00:21:52
- See screenlist
Advanced basic
Це рівень практики, коли в ній присутній лотос на постійній основі.
- duration - 00:23:00
- See screenlist
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A series of sequences
A series of sequences
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