Terms of use

The user agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) governs the relationship between the Administration of the yoga-masters.com Internet project – Olga Kovalova, taxpayer identification code 3241619349 (business registration address Kyiv, 7A Paskhalina St., Unit 53) and Anton Siderskyi, taxpayer identification code 3251516174 (business registration address Kyiv, 7A Paskhalina St., Unit 53) (hereinafter referred to as "Yoga Masters") on the one hand and users of "Yoga Masters", on the other hand.
The term "content" means any photo, video, audio materials, documents (including files of document archives) that are offered by the Administration for viewing, buying or downloading on "Yoga Masters".

1. "Yoga Masters" is intended for personal non-business needs of individuals. The use of the Yoga Masters project by users for commercial purposes is not allowed. Any further sale or transfer of rights by the user to the resources hosted by the Yoga Masters Administration, without the permission of the copyright holder, imposes on the user the obligation to compensate the damage caused to the Yoga Masters Administration and lost profits. In addition to the above, the Administration reserves the right to block the User's access to previously paid content for any period it deems necessary.

2. All copyright, related and other proprietary intellectual rights to the Yoga Masters project as a whole and to its independent parts separately belong to the Administration, unless otherwise explicitly stated. Unauthorized use of "Yoga Masters" or elements of "Yoga Masters" by the Administration may be completely or partially prohibited.

3. All services or services within the framework of the Yoga Masters project (including additional (Paid)) are provided exclusively by the Administration, or by persons directly authorized by the Administration. Obtaining services or services from other third parties not authorized by the Administration may result in a refusal to provide Yoga Masters services for the User in whole or in part at the discretion of the Administration.

4. The ability to obtain the right to view multimedia content through "Yoga Masters" does not mean the acquisition of ownership of such content. When paying for the content chosen (or choosing free) by him, the user receives the right to repeatedly familiarize himself with the content, without the right to further transfer it or distribute it to third parties.

5. In case of violation of copyrights of legal right holders by the User when using "Yoga Masters", the reason for which was the insufficiency of the User's rights in relation to the content, all costs for resolving the dispute between the Administration and a third party, including in court, must be paid by the User unilaterally okay.

6. This Agreement enters into force and becomes binding on the Parties from the moment the User registers on Yoga Masters. When the Administration opens access to the content selected by the User, the obligations of the Administration are considered to be properly fulfilled. The obligation of the Administration to provide content to the User arises at the time of receipt of confirmation from a banking institution (acquirer) about the successful payment for content by the User (for paid content).

7. To gain access to the "Yoga Masters" content, the User must register in the form indicated on the site and fill in all the required fields (including the email address). The e-mail address is a login, which can only be changed by contacting the Administration.
"Yoga Masters" offers the following forms of providing paid access to content:
- purchase of access rights to specific content on the website of the Internet project "Yoga Masters" in the "Eternal Access" mode. In this mode, the User gets access to view without a limit on the number of views, but until the content is contained on "Yoga Masters", and also gets the right to download paid content to his computer for further offline use. The list of content available in the "Eternal Access" mode is determined by the Administration. To obtain the right to "Eternal access" to specific content, the User must click the "Buy" button (next to which "Eternal access" is indicated), select the appropriate form of payment, make a payment, as a result of which the content will be available on "Yoga Masters" for viewing and downloading registered User. At the same time, the Administration reserves the right at any time to make changes to the content of the purchased content in this mode, delete the content or replace the content with "Yoga Masters", without the obligation to refund the funds paid by the User, also without the obligation to provide access to download previously paid content that the User did not have time to download. At the same time, further use of the content downloaded by the User on his computer is considered lawful, unless its use is contrary to the provisions of this Agreement. Also, the User, using "Yoga Masters" in the "Eternal access" mode, agrees that the content available by subscription will not be available in the "Subscription" mode.

- purchase of access rights to specific content on the website of the Internet project "Yoga Masters" in the "Subscription" mode. In this mode, the User receives the right to view certain content during the period selected according to the tariff plan on the Yoga Masters website. To obtain the right to subscribe to specific content, the User must select an available tariff plan for subscription, select the appropriate form of payment, make a payment, as a result of which the content will be available on the Yoga Masters website for viewing according to the paid period of time. At the same time, the Administration reserves the right at any time to make changes to the content of the purchased content in this mode, delete content or replace content on the Yoga Masters website, without the obligation to refund the funds paid by the User. If the User refuses to use the paid subscription, the funds paid by him are non-refundable. Also, the User, using "Yoga Masters" in the "Subscription" mode, agrees that the content available by subscription will not be available in the "Eternal Access" mode.
By paying for content in the “Subscription” mode, the User agrees to further automatic debiting (after the end of the paid subscription period) for debiting funds from his bank card to pay for a new subscription period of the same duration as the previous subscription period. The user can at any time change the duration of the subscription in the direction of increasing or decreasing, as well as refuse to automatically renew the subscription. In the event of a reduction in the duration of a previously paid subscription, the funds paid for the unused and/or reduced subscription period are non-refundable.

8. The Agreement may be changed by the Site Administration without any special notice. The new edition of the user agreement comes into force immediately after publication on the Yoga Masters website.

9. When using the services of the "Yoga Masters" project, the User undertakes to follow all the instructions attached to the project. The Administration is not responsible for the correct implementation by the User of the provisions of the instructions on "Yoga Masters". The receipt by the User of additional services "Yoga Masters" is possible subject to the acceptance of the terms of this Agreement, while the Administration has the right not to provide such services, to provide in a limited amount or to restrict the User from receiving both additional (paid) and basic services within the framework of the Project, including and free. At the same time, the obligations of the Administration to provide the User with additional (paid) services from Yoga Masters, provided for by this Agreement, are considered fulfilled from the moment such User legally receives the opportunity to implement the paid volume of additional (paid) services, regardless of whether the User used the opportunity to implement the paid volume of additional (paid) services or not.

10. The user undertakes not to use "Yoga Masters" for:
10.1 uploading, sending, transmitting and / or any other way of posting content that is illegal, offends morality, violates copyright and related rights, promotes hatred and / or discrimination of people on racial, ethnic, gender, religious, social grounds, contains insults in the address of specific individuals or organizations, calls for illegal actions against authorities, terrorism, or to violate public order;
10.1.1. The administration has the right to delete any messages, reviews, comments that it considers to be contrary to the norms of the current legislation or violate the rights of other persons;
10.2 placement and promotion of pornography and child erotica, as well as advertising of intimate or other goods / services;
10.3 public placement and / or transmission of information of an illegal nature, including materials that contribute to inciting ethnic hatred, inciting violence against any person or group of persons, or inhuman treatment of animals, calling for the commission of illegal activities, including explaining the procedure for applying explosives and other weapons, etc.;
10.4 violation of the rights of minors and / or harm to them in any form;
10.5 infringement of the rights of minorities;
10.6 using information about another person to fill out the form when registering and performing actions on behalf of this person and / or a representative of an organization and / or community without sufficient rights, including for employees or representatives of the Administration, for forum moderators, for the owner of Yoga Masters”, as well as misleading about the properties and characteristics of any subjects or objects;
10.7 uploading, sending, transferring or any other way of posting content available to the User, which is prohibited to use in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine or in accordance with any contractual relationship;
10.8 deliberate violation of the legislation of Ukraine or international law;
10.9 uploading, sending, transmitting or any other way of posting content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights and / or copyright and related rights of third parties, without the appropriate permission of the copyright holder;
10.10 uploading, sending, transmitting or any other way of posting unauthorized advertising information, lists of other people's email addresses, pyramid schemes, multi-level (network) marketing (MLM), Internet earnings systems and e-mail businesses, chain letters ”, as well as to participate in these events (sending unsolicited letters with links to the services provided by Yoga Masters may be considered participation in events prohibited by this paragraph, even if the sending was made without the direct use of Yoga Masters mail servers);
10.11 uploading, sending, transmitting or otherwise posting any material that contains viruses or other computer code, files or programs designed to disrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer or telecommunications equipment or programs for unauthorized access, and serial numbers for commercial software products and programs for their generation, logins, passwords and other means for obtaining unauthorized access to paid resources on the Internet, as well as posting links to the above information;
10.12 collection and storage of personal data of other persons;
10.13 violations of the functioning of "Yoga Masters";
10.14 use of any forms and methods of illegal representation of other persons on the Internet;
10.15 placing links to Internet resources, the content of which violates the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine;
10.16 own actions, as well as facilitating the actions of third parties aimed at violating the restrictions and prohibitions imposed by this Agreement.

11. The user acknowledges that Yoga Masters has the right (but not the obligation) in its sole discretion to refuse to post or remove any content that is available through one of the Yoga Masters services. The user agrees that he is obliged to independently assess all the risks associated with the use of the content.

12. The user agrees not to reproduce, repeat or copy, sell or resell, or use for any commercial purposes, in whole or in part, the Yoga Masters services or access to them, except when such permission is given Administration of "Yoga Masters". By purchasing the right to view content on "Yoga Masters", the User receives the right to personally use the paid content. The User does not have the right to transfer the content to a third party, and also does not have the right to use the purchased content of another User, otherwise than with the written consent of Yoga Masters. Yoga Masters is not directly and/or indirectly liable for contracts between the User and third parties.

13. The user agrees that:
13.1 Use of the Yoga Masters project is at your own risk. The Services are provided "as is", in connection with which the Administration does not guarantee that: (1) "Yoga Masters" will meet the requirements and ideas of the User; (2) the services will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and without error; (3) the results that may be obtained using "Yoga Masters" will be accurate and reliable, or identical to those indicated in the content; (4) the quality of any product, service, information and other content obtained using Yoga Masters will meet the User's expectations; (5) All bugs in the Yoga Masters software will be corrected.
13.2 The User agrees that he is solely responsible for the consequences of using "Yoga Masters", as well as for any possible damage that may be caused to the computer and / or data of the User as a result of downloading or using the content;
13.3 Yoga Masters shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages arising from: the use or inability to use one or more services; unauthorized access to User data; statements or conduct of any third party in the Services.
13.4 Content on "Yoga Masters" is not methodical, but demonstrational. It contains only abstract information about what the training techniques presented in it might look like. The content on Yoga Masters is in no way a substitute for a coach, instructor or teacher. Neither the creators, nor those involved in the creation of content on Yoga Masters, nor the Administration of Yoga Masters bear any responsibility to anyone for any consequences directly or indirectly related to the content on Yoga Masters and its application in practice . Using the content on Yoga Masters as a practical guide for self-practice is unacceptable. Any consequences of such use of it are entirely the responsibility of the user.
13.5 The User is responsible for the correct entry of the existing e-mail address, since the latter is the only identifier linking the User and the Order and serves to obtain information for downloading paid content.
13.6 The user is notified that in order to view the online broadcast, the required minimum speed is 1.3 Mbps to the broadcast servers. The Administration is not responsible and does not return the paid amount in cases where the User's connection speed is below the minimum.
13.7 The User is notified that in order to gain access to paid content, it is necessary to pay with one of the available payment options that are indicated on the site.
13.8. The user agrees to receive from YogaMasters to the e-mail address and / or subscriber phone number specified by you during registration or when working with the YogaMasters website, informational electronic messages (hereinafter referred to as "notifiers").
13.9. "YogaMasters" has the right to use notifiers to inform the User about changes and new features of the "YogaMasters" website, about changes in the Agreement, as well as for sending informational or advertising messages over telecommunication networks and by mail (including, but not limited to: SMS mailings, e mailing lists, etc.) and the processing of their personal data by collecting, registering, accumulating, storing, adapting, changing, updating, using and distributing, depersonalizing, destroying personal data, incl. transfer (access to) personal data to any third parties without obtaining additional consent and without prior notice of such transfer (access) for the purposes specified in this Agreement, carried out using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without use of such means for the purpose of processing requests and requests from the user, providing information about the goods and services of "YogaMasters".

14. General information:
14.1 The Agreement is a legally binding agreement between the User and the Administration and governs the User's use of the Yoga Masters services. The relevant agreements may impose on the User additional obligations related to the use of services, as well as content and / or software owned by a third party.
14.2 The Parties agree that all possible disputes regarding the Agreement will be resolved in accordance with the norms of Ukrainian legislation. The Parties submit their legal relations to the substantive law of Ukraine.
14.3 Recognition by the court of any provision of the Agreement as invalid and/or unenforceable does not entail the invalidity and/or unenforceability of other provisions of the Agreement.
14.4 Long-term failure to take action by the Yoga Masters Administration, in case of violation by the User, or other users of the Internet project, by third parties, of the provisions of this Agreement does not deprive the Administration of the right to take appropriate actions, including to protect its interests later, in the event of subsequent similar or similar violations.
14.5 The Administration has the right to refuse the User to provide services without explaining the reasons and / or without refunding the paid funds.

15. All trademarks and other means of individualization of goods or services used or mentioned in Yoga Masters belong to their rightful owners. All intellectual property rights in relation to "Yoga Masters", including, but not limited to, any graphic images, photographs, animations, videos, sound recordings, music, text accompanying "Yoga Masters" materials and any parts or copies thereof belong to the Administration, or the corresponding copyright holders.

16. The User can contact the Yoga Masters Administration by email: [email protected]