Прекрасная, удивительная Татьяна! Я так счастлива, что когда-то приобрела Ваш курс "Бодрый старт" и благодаря ему начала заниматься с Вами. Есть много талантливых, опытных и компетентных учителей йоги, но так важно найти своего. И именно таким, "моим" учителем стали Вы. Теперь я занимаюсь и по этому уроку, комбинируя его с другими занятиями.
Спасибо Вам за радость и вдохновение, которые Вы пробуждаете.

The complex was created for people who experience back discomfort, lead a sedentary lifestyle, sit for many hours in one position at the computer, for those who want to strengthen their spine and, of course, for those who have such diagnoses as flat feet, protrusion, hernia , even mild degrees of scoliosis (not higher than the first). Also, if you feel discomfort in the lumbar, thoracic, cervical-collar area - this complex is for you. You will receive not only relief, but also an excellent training complex according to Yoga23.
If you have back pain or a feeling that you need to strengthen your back, then this therapeutic and preventive complex for the back and the musculoskeletal system as a whole is for you.
Often doctors scare us with terrible diagnoses (protrusions, hernias), but in fact, if you do not take some neglected cases, a lot can be corrected with simple, uncomplicated and systematic physical education. The main thing is to know the rules: how the spine works, what cannot be done with it, what is possible and in what sequence. In this complex, performing certain exercises, we will influence the back therapeutically.
Of course, an important point with the work of the musculoskeletal system is the foot, the position of which we will carefully monitor. We will also work with asanas in a statistical-dynamic mode, which is the most beneficial for the spine.
The purpose of the practice is to strengthen the muscles of the back, abs, hips, buttocks. We will achieve it using the Yoga23 methodology program.
Каждое утро говорю вам спасибо огромное за этот комплекс. Для меня эти упражнения дают большое облегчение спине после ночи. Теперь, только, я реже стала посещать занятия йоги в спорткомплексе, т.к. ощутила разницу :) Спасибо за возможность заниматься с вами через инет!
Therapeutic sequence for the back
online viewing and downloading
Терапевтический комплекс для спины
Цель практики – укрепление мышц спины, пресса, бедер, ягодиц. Достигать ее мы будем, используя программу методики Yoga23.
- duration - 00:52:03
- See screenlist
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Our catalog consists of: about 116 sequences, 47 workshops and 24 courses
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A series of lessons
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