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Complex according to the "Yoga of Intention" No. 11 of an average level of complexity (there is a lotus, which can be replaced with a half lotus). The complex contributes to immersion in a meditative state, immersion in contemplation, for solving problems associated with detailed and careful consideration of something.
This series of complexes from Andrey Vladimirovich is focused on tuning the characteristics of brain activity, allowing a person to function more adequately in everyday situations, to respond more calmly to various stressful situations, to adapt himself, primarily mentally, but also physically, to emerging everyday challenges of various levels and along the way, “repair” health, correct some systemic imbalance, it is possible to eliminate the consequences of some injuries. As a side effect of yoga practice, it's always nice.
The complex can be used as morning exercises, or after work for tuning or during work, in order to shake things up, recharge, bring yourself into a smooth, calm, clear and working state.
This complex was developed and demonstrated by Andrey Vladimirovich Sidersky. You can perform this complex throughout the day. Parts of the complex can be combined and alternated as desired. The ideal breathing option is dictated by Andrey Vladimirovich, but to master the complex it can be changed to any comfortable one.
Sequence «Yoga Intentions» №11
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Комплекс среднего уровня сложности из относительно простых асан, принадлежащих к категории наиболее «пси-эффективных» (присутствует лотос, который можно заменить на полулотос).
- duration - 00:38:18
- See screenlist
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