Потрясающе хороший комплекс! Я только недавно купила и начала. Сразу поразило, как сложно выполнять простые позы, потому что сосредотачиваешься на правильной технике и дыхании, что совсем не просто. Благодарю за чудесный комплекс!
Power meditation is a kind of practice of staying at the moment of applying maximum strength and endurance - here you will be in simple asanas fixed for a relatively long period of time (1-2 minutes or 5-9 breaths) and you will learn to control your breathing at a moment of extreme tension , and through breathing - a state. This approach trains hard-to-reach, deep layers of muscles and has a positive effect on the body's resistance, which is very important in this period (although it has always been relevant).
It is important to understand that, like in any other business, yoga requires concentration and a serious approach. You may not be able to breathe calmly and measuredly right away, so it is important not to overexert yourself and remember that the main goal of this practice is to work with the state. Studying systematically, you will soon increase your internal resource and you will see how effective and useful this teaching is.
In the conditions of the modern dynamic rhythm of life, each person should have the opportunity to stop and relax. Power meditation is a great solution if you don't have enough exercise.
This training set consists of 6 hours of workouts and one joint warm-up, which should be done before each workout. The complexity of the asanas in the course is of an easy level, but the intensity and load are closer to the average. Therefore, if you are already practicing, everything is fine, but if you are just a beginner, then get ready that it will be difficult.
The practice mode should be built according to the tasks or opportunities. You can practice two or three times a week. You can do an intensive for 7 days with one day off. Depends on your tasks and time possibilities.
Training set «Power Meditation»
online viewing and downloading
Суставная разминка
- duration - 00:19:36
- See screenlist
Первая тренировка
- duration - 00:56:07
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Вторая тренировка
- duration - 01:13:38
- See screenlist
Третья тренировка
- duration - 01:09:13
- See screenlist
Четвёртая тренировка
- duration - 01:04:02
- See screenlist
Пятая тренировка
- duration - 01:04:32
- See screenlist
Шестая тренировка
- duration - 01:11:57
- See screenlist
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