• 9 unique sequences for a morning reset
  • Harmony of breath, movement, and mindfulness
  • Energy, adaptability, and mental resilience for the entire day

What makes this set special?

Comprehensive impact – these practices are designed not just to warm up the body but also to activate powerful adaptation processes.
Breath and movement synchronization – precise transitions and unique breathing techniques create a deep meditative effect and harmonize the nervous system.
Resilience and protection – the method incorporates elements that enhance overall resistance and stress endurance.
Flow state – precision in movement and breathwork helps achieve deep mindfulness and mental clarity.

This set can be used as a morning exercise routine, a tool for deep neuropsychological adaptation, or even as a soft psychedelic practice without side effects.

Be ready for the day’s challenges and face them with inner strength and clarity of mind.

Join the practice and start your morning in harmony and energy.


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Meditative set by Andrii Siderskyi (RU)

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