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A master class on using the Swedish wall to straighten three important zones that form the degree of mobility that opens the door to all body-oriented practices, including yoga:
- upper shoulder girdle, thoracic spine
- area of the hip joint, pelvis
- back of legs
When these zones are well stretched, you will be able to perform the vast majority of yoga forms. Plus, it has a very positive effect on the health of the body.
Fitball and anti-gravity boots are also used. The traction with these additional devices is maximized.
The exercises are simple but very effective.
Very useful from a therapeutic point of view, for pain in the voiced areas. When pain in the lower back, in the iliac joints, with pain in the shoulders, back.
Full extension techniques with wall bars
online viewing and downloading
Шведская стенка
Техники вытяжения с использованием шведской стенки
- duration - 00:27:01
- See screenlist
Техники вытяжения с использованием шведской стенки и фитбола
- duration - 00:19:04
- See screenlist
Антигравитационные ботинки
Техники вытяжения с использованием шведской стенки и антигравитационных ботинок
- duration - 00:19:37
- See screenlist
We recommend
Our catalog consists of: about 116 sequences, 47 workshops and 24 courses
A series of lessons
A series of lessons
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