Вполне выполнимые комплексы для среднего уровня (не осилила Ширшасану, но это пока что;). Квинтэссенция для поддержания тела и ума в порядке.

A training cycle built in the Yoga Workout Quest mode of 5 workouts. This means that the respiratory series is based on a set of random numbers. In this way, you can get a very interesting and always varied practice. The principle of the cycle is the wave. Those. we start with a short static, then a long static, a deep static, and again we return a long static and a short static. Basic level, i.e. everything is quite simple. But basic does not mean initial. The basic one has standard full-fledged asanas, but there are no traumatic and difficult-to-learn elements yet.
Carefully follow the dictation of breathing and breathe in the mode in which I suggest. In this case, the topic is not important, there is no metronome, and the principle of the effect on the brain of this practice is completely different. Each series begins with pranayama, and after the main mode, it is necessary to pass in dynamics - this is necessary so that those properties, those qualities that have been developed in statics are transferred to the state of the system, i.e. to give the result of the practice a static meditative character of a working result. And after an additional dynamic passage, naturally also a short meditation and savasana. Workouts are short, up to an hour. And if you suddenly want to do two or three in a row - you can, but it's better to do one a day.
What is also very characteristic of the training cycle is that the exercises are not repeated. All complexes of one cycle are made from different asanas. Asana is never repeated.
Чем дольше практикую тем больше нравится, усиливается эфект. Позволяет погружаться в себя и убирать мысли. Вначале не удобно количество дыхание в некоторых асанах, но потом это становится плюсом.
Комплексы отличные. Состояние то что надо! Спасибо, Мастер!
Yoga Workout Cycle #2 (5 sequences)
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Комплекс первый
- duration - 00:33:43
- See screenlist
Комплекс второй
- duration - 00:56:54
- See screenlist
Комплекс третий
- duration - 00:48:31
- See screenlist
Комплекс четвёртый
- duration - 00:55:30
- See screenlist
Комплекс пятый
- duration - 00:42:39
- See screenlist
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