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Mini-course for 3.5 hours of three lessons, aimed at improving (recreation) and therapy of the respiratory (respiratory) system. The course will be very useful both for people who lead a healthy lifestyle, practice body-oriented practices, athletes, and for people who suffer from functional disorders in the respiratory system.
The most common diseases (disorders) include:
- bronchial asthma;
- allergic reactions that provoke edema, spasm of the bronchial tree;
- frequent acute respiratory diseases (seasonal);
- bronchitis;
- sinusitis;
- sinusitis;
- frontitis;
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease...
The course consists of 3 lessons, which must be carefully read before performing in a practical aspect (it is very important to consult with your doctor before using individual exercises)!!!
The first part is informational and practical and is aimed at counteracting such common diseases and disorders of the immune system as bronchial asthma and allergic reactions accompanied by spasm or swelling of the airways. The second and third parts are general strengthening, preventive methods and techniques that increase the overall resistance of our body as a whole, and the respiratory system in particular!
Course «Yoga therapy of the respiratory system»
online viewing and downloading
Первое занятие
Нацелено на противодействие таким распространённым заболеваниям, и нарушениям функций имунной системы, как бронхиальная астма и аллергические реакции, сопровождающиеся спазмом, или отёком дыхательных путей.
- duration - 01:22:34
- See screenlist
Второе занятие
Общеукрепляющее занятие, привентивные методы и приёмы, повышающие общую резистентность нашего организма в целом, и дыхательной системы в частности.
- duration - 01:06:36
- See screenlist
Третье занятие
Общеукрепляющее занятие, привентивные методы и приёмы, повышающие общую резистентность нашего организма в целом, и дыхательной системы в частности.
- duration - 01:03:09
- See screenlist
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Our catalog consists of: about 116 sequences, 47 workshops and 24 courses
Video lesson
Video lesson
A series of lessonsInformative
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