Спасибо за комплексы!
Было бы хорошо, если было введение по дыханию: какой тип использовать, сколько циклов в каждой асане, как делается переход между асанами итд.
Также было бы помощью, если во время исполнения асан были комментарии для чего каждая асана, на какую мышечную группу обратить внимание, какую «выключать» и какую включать в работу и куда направлять внимание.

Target complexes for men. 4 sets of 30-40 minutes each. These complexes are designed to increase the endurance and strength aspect of the practice. They involve a large group of muscles: there are exercises for the shoulder girdle, for the arms, for the muscles of the abdomen and core, for the back and legs. Designed for both novice practitioners and for quite "developed", sophisticated practitioners. It can also be used by athletes to test the state of the deep muscles, the state of the muscular corset of the spine - this can be quite relevant for weightlifters, where large muscles are well and powerfully used, but there are often problems with deep layers of muscles.
You can perform as you like, at any time: every day, every other day or one in the morning, one in the evening. The numbering of the complexes does not mean that they need to be performed sequentially - they can be performed in any sequence. You can combine several complexes and perform several at once, if you have the strength and time.
4 sequences for men
online viewing and downloading
Первый комплекс
- duration - 00:35:45
- See screenlist
Второй комплекс
- duration - 00:27:53
- See screenlist
Третий комплекс
- duration - 00:33:11
- See screenlist
Четвёртый комплекс
- duration - 00:42:57
- See screenlist
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Our catalog consists of: about 116 sequences, 47 workshops and 24 courses
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