Спасибо Таисии за комплекс. Освоил его с удовольствием. Понятное обьяснение и выполнение.

An activity that develops longitudinal splits. It consists of two parts: warm-ups and a complex. Dynamic warm-ups consist of strength exercises that warm up, knead and prepare the body for work with the twine. The complex consists of several stages - from the simplest asanas to more complicated ones.
If you want to develop your skills in the splits and perform this asana in its full form, you need to perform the complex at least 3-4 times a week.
g*******[email protected]
Sequence and warm-ups for splits
online viewing and downloading
Первая разминка
- duration - 00:09:02
- See screenlist
Вторая разминка
- duration - 00:06:03
- See screenlist
- duration - 00:28:32
- See screenlist
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