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Training camp for yoga teachers. Conducted by Andrey Sidersky. Collection format: minimum talk - maximum practice. The programs of all classes of the collection are designed for professional yoga teachers.
This video is a recording of the installation morning workouts.
Workout 1 consists of:
- simple asana sequence
- intermediate asana sequence
- a sequence of asanas of a moderately difficult level
- gymnastics for the eyes
- contemplative pause
- relaxation
Workout 2 consists of:
- ethereal gymnastics techniques "Zero+Cross"
- sequence of asanas of simple and intermediate levels
- a sequence of asanas of a moderately difficult level
- relaxation
- contemplative pause
Workout 3 consists of:
- ethereal gymnastics techniques "Zero+Cross"
- ethereal gymnastics technique "Yang qigong style Ying"
- breathing exercises
- gymnastics for the eyes
- kapalabhati
- a sequence of asanas of a moderately difficult level
- relaxation
- contemplative pause
Workout 4 consists of:
- attention setting
- breathing exercises, incl. kapalabhati
- gymnastics for the eyes
- a sequence of asanas of a moderately difficult level
- relaxation
- ethereal gymnastics techniques "Zero+Cross"
- ethereal gymnastics technique "Yang qigong style Ying"
- contemplative pause
- relaxation
Workout 5 consists of:
- 7 sequences of asanas that are separated by either relaxation or a contemplative "pause"
Workout 6 consists of:
- 6 asana sequences that are separated by either relaxation or a contemplative "pause"
- theory: asana visualization technique
Workout 7 consists of:
- information about this seminar, past trainings, about the energy-informational aspects of teaching, about comparing the influence of different etheric gymnastics techniques, about the expediency of teaching etheric gymnastics techniques
- 4 sequences of asanas that are separated by either relaxation or a contemplative "pause"
Workout 8 consists of:
- simple asana sequence
- information about events such as "gymnastic satsang"
- 2 sequences of asanas of a moderately difficult level
- information regarding cleansing techniques (shatkarmas)
- sequence of asanas of a moderately difficult level
- relaxation
- contemplative pause
Workout 9 consists of:
- 3 sequences of moderately difficult asanas
- relaxation
- contemplative pause
Teaching intensive 2012
online viewing and downloading
Занятие 1 (преподавательский интенсив 2012)
- duration - 01:35:27
- See screenlist
Занятие 2 (преподавательский интенсив 2012)
- duration - 01:57:01
- See screenlist
Занятие 3 (преподавательский интенсив 2012)
- duration - 02:12:30
- See screenlist
Занятие 4 (преподавательский интенсив 2012)
- duration - 02:23:26
- See screenlist
Занятие 5 (преподавательский интенсив 2012)
- duration - 01:53:26
- See screenlist
Занятие 6 (преподавательский интенсив 2012)
- duration - 02:04:50
- See screenlist
Занятие 7 (преподавательский интенсив 2012)
- duration - 02:09:20
- See screenlist
Занятие 8 (преподавательский интенсив 2012)
- duration - 02:02:29
- See screenlist
Занятие 9 (преподавательский интенсив 2012)
- duration - 01:27:19
- See screenlist
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