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Series (cycle) in the style of Yoga Workout Quest. This means that the respiratory series is based on a set of random numbers. Thus, you can get a very interesting and always varied practice. There are 3 static modes in this cycle: short fixation mode, long static fixation mode and deep static mode.
In the training cycle, you can notice how gradually, from complex to complex, from series to series, meditative immersion deepens and how a specific mode of brain operation is more and more massively activated.
What is also very characteristic of the training cycle is that the exercises are not repeated. All complexes of one cycle are made from different asanas.
Cycle complexes can be practiced intensively, for example, a series of 3 complexes can be completed in 1 day - morning, afternoon, evening. And you can break it into three days or practice 3 times a week for the complex every other day. Or vice versa, do a long workout with meditations between complexes. How convenient.
Carefully follow the dictation of breathing and breathe in the mode in which I suggest. In this case, the tempo is not important, there is no metronome, and the principle of influencing the brain in this practice is completely different. Each series begins with pranayama, and, after the main mode, it is necessary to pass in dynamics - this is necessary so that those properties, those qualities that have been developed in statics - are transferred to the state of the system, i.e. to give the result of static meditative practice the character of a working result. And after an additional dynamic passage, naturally also a short meditation and savasana. Workouts are short, up to an hour. And if you suddenly want to do two or three in a row - you can, but it's better to do one a day.
Yoga Workout Cycle #3 (3 sequences)
online viewing and downloading
Второй комплекс
Базовый уровень + ширшасана (стойка на голове, можно выполнять у стенки)
- duration - 01:12:45
- See screenlist
Третий комплекс
Средний уровень сложности с падмасаной (лотос). Можно все асаны выполнять с полулотосом.
- duration - 00:50:43
- See screenlist
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