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A practice in which the gymnastic sequence itself is an object of contemplation. It appears out of nowhere, appearing on the “inner screen” in the form of information on how to move and what exercises, in what sequence to do. And a state of contemplation appears, which turns into deep meditation. Those. gymnastics is both an object of meditation and a tool that plunges deeper and deeper into the meditative state of the one who practices in this mode. The mode seems simple, but in fact it is the most complex and sophisticated practice option, requiring a huge experience of the teacher. As a rule, the series consist of a rather limited number of exercises, but they all belong to the category of the most "psychotronic" or "yogic" tools.

Plus, this is the most efficient version of the so-called "direct transmission", because in this mode, it least depends on the type of information transfer - offline in the hall, online or by appointment. The saturation of energy-information interaction will still be the most dense and complete, simply because algorithmically this mode takes into account all aspects of systemic impact.

There are only 6 complexes. The first 3 are of an easy level of complexity, which are accessible to everyone (asanas like bakasana can be done near the wall or leaving one foot on the floor). And 3 others - with a half lotus and one or two exercises with a lotus, in which you can easily make a replacement for a half lotus or siddhasana.

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Базовый уровень сложности + лотос (или замена на полулотос, сиддхасану)

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Базовый уровень сложности + лотос (или замена на полулотос, сиддхасану)

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Базовый уровень сложности + лотос (или замена на полулотос, сиддхасану)