Андрей Сидерский МАСТЕР ! У меня его книга ИОГА ВОСЬМИ КРУГОВ уже без обложки от постоянного чтения ,но вопросов оставалось много и данный мастер -класс многое обьяснил.... После трех дней практики Ян-цигун, сегодня утром проснулся и чувствую вибрации во всем теле и сильное желание сделать комплекс.... Выполнил два раза, выбрации прошли, почувствовал внутри себя спокойствие и силу....

Complex of dynamic ethereal gymnastics "Yang-qigong of Ying style". The technique of performing movements and their "ethereal" meaning. Some aspects of the work of the control centers of the etheric body and the principles of interaction with the ethereal shell ("cocoon"), which were not previously publicly announced.
This is the autumn of 2015, the second master class by Andrey Vladimirovich on this qigong technique (the first of 2014: “Technique and “energetic meaning” of movements (Yang qigong of the Ying style)”). Here he takes a closer look at every micro-nuance of movement. Talks about the technique in general, and its application, answers questions. There is also a section dedicated to asanas.
A technique for applying the principles of building and connecting with breathing "full" transitional movements in asanas on the example of the most psi-effective exercises from the well-known hatha yoga arsenal.
This video will be useful to anyone who wants to achieve the perfect performance of this qigong complex. But please note that this video is a great help in learning the technique, but in order to fully master the complex, you will need the help of a qualified trainer who will note and correct the inevitable inaccuracies in your performance of the exercises. You will not see them yourself, as this requires extensive experience in the practice of the complex and special coaching training.
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