Material in Ukrainian. These are 18 very simple short training sets designed specifically for use as morning hygiene exercises. A convenient way to quickly bring your body and mind into optimal working condition. In addition, these sets can be performed at any other convenient time to maintain a functional level - either one at a time or combining two or three sets in one workout, which, in combination with the 10-15 minute format, best adapts this set of training sets to modern rhythm of life.

The material consists of 3 parts.

1. 9 sets of general action.
The sets in this section comprehensively work on the organic body, the energy body and the information component of self-control systems.

2. 6 sets with an emphasis on activating the energy body.
For the organic body and the information component, their effect is almost the same as the action of the sets of the first section - perhaps a little less radical - but the emphasis on the activation of energy processes allows the use of the sets of the second section to quickly include the body and consciousness in the most energetically efficient work.

3. 3 short sets focused on information optimization of the virtual system for managing organic matter and the energy body.
Just as the sets of the second section have an accentuated effect on the energy body, the sets of the third section activate the information component of the virtual self-control system, which is no less important than the activation of the material components - the organic and energy bodies.

All sets of each section can be combined in any order in one workout of three. It is not recommended to perform more than three sets at a time. Also, you cannot combine sets from different sections in one workout. In the best case scenario, in the general training schedule, one set from the third section should include two sets from the second and three from the first. For example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - sets of general action; Tuesday, Saturday - “energy activation” sets; Saturday - “information-regulating” set.


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Bundle of morning short sequences sets

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