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The first training complex from the Yoga Workout series was developed by Andrey Sidersky specifically for those who practice such a modern type of training activity as CrossFit or any other sport with a wide variety of dynamic loads.
The complex consists of blocks of 3 exercises, which are separated by short relaxations. You can practice the whole complex as a separate workout, or you can divide it into short blocks of three asanas and insert between sets of interval training, between some exercises, maybe even between sets in order to remove all sorts of undesirable effects that are associated with excessive load during dynamic practice or when working with weights.
The exercises are standard and quite simple. The complex is specially designed to fit harmoniously into your personal training schedule and solve various issues with body tuning, optimization of the condition and functionality of the musculoskeletal system.
Issues that are usually solved with the use of additional dietary changes, special preparations, the practice of yoga allows you to solve in a natural way and the body will be more efficient, endurance, speed, strength, flexibility, stretching will increase. And, most importantly, the level of both physical and emotional control will increase.
If the complex seems difficult for an athlete, then remember the beginning of work in any other direction, work with weights, with your own weight, dynamic exercises, running, interval training, etc. At first it seems difficult, but with hard, constant work and a consistent approach, anything is mastered quite easily.
Sequence for CrossFit practitioners №1
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Информация о комплексе
Для кого он и что может улучшить в тренировочной жизни спортсменов.
- duration - 00:06:24
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Тренировочный комплекс с объяснениями
Весь комплекс целиком с периодическим объяснением некоторых моментов выполнения упражнений. Для первичного изучения комплекса.
- duration - 01:00:31
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Тренировочный комплекс без объяснений
Весь комплекс целиком без периодических объяснений некоторых моментов выполнения упражнений. 54 минуты тренировки. Для тех, кто полностью изучил комплекс.
- duration - 00:54:25
- See screenlist
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