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In the huge abundance of all kinds of exercises that various areas of yoga and fitness offer us, you can get lost. It is very difficult to determine what is important and urgent to work out today and in this lesson. The time limit in the rhythm of a big city always requires the choice of optimal actions. The series of complexes that you are now observing will help us maintain key areas of our body in proper functional activity, will allow us to feel the freedom of body movements both at the household level and at the level of professional activity. Take the time to study the formulas of body movements, they will open the way for you to health and balanced activity in everyday life!
Anterior and posterior surfaces of the legs. Legs are the foundation of our body! The health of our spine and internal organs depends on how strong and flexible they are, the amount of energy we spend on moving ourselves from point A to point B, how stable we are physically and emotionally!!! The complex of available movements will allow us to open the pelvis area, straighten the back and front surfaces of the legs, which is very important for the process of walking, running, performing a series of movements in lunges, tilts, and various movements associated with the activity of the hip joints. The main exercise in this complex is Hanumanasana (longitudinal twine). This asana is able to awaken a large number of thin meridians, which saturate the internal organs with activity and vitality.
The inner surface of the legs, the pelvic area. The structure of the inner surfaces of the legs is one of the key areas that is associated with the function of many organs and systems of our body. In particular, the genitourinary system, the digestive system, the circulatory system of the pelvis and legs, the lower segments of the spinal column, are associated with the load on the inner surface of the legs. In this complex, the key element is Samokonasana (transverse twine) and the expansion of the hip joints in the frontal plane. Regular practice of the complex can have not only a healing, but also a therapeutic effect on the lower extremities, spine, and internal organs of the abdominal cavity.
The upper shoulder girdle is the third key area that opens the “gates” to the health of the cardio-respiratory system, lymphatic system, thoracic and cervical spine. Sufficiently open and straightened shoulder joints allow for freedom of movement of the arms, shoulder blades, which will not create excessive tension in the chest and neck. Tension and stiffness in this zone can form factors of physical and emotional overwork. Because, the main vascular, nerve and energy highways that feed our brain and form the structure of respiration, lymph and blood circulation can be blocked. The use of simple actions of this complex triggers the mechanisms of rapid adaptation, reveals the reserves of the human body in the extreme conditions of a modern city, with excessive physical and mental stress.
Series «Key Areas»
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Передняя и задняя поверхности ног
Основное упражнение в этом комплексе - Хануманасана (продольный шпагат). Эта асана способна пробудить большое количество тонких меридианов, которые насыщают активностью и жизненной силой внутренние органы.
- duration - 00:36:52
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Верхний плечевой пояс
Использования простых действий этого комплекса запускают механизмы быстрой адаптации, раскрывают резервы человеческого организма в экстремальных условиях современного города, при чрезмерных физических и психических нагрузках.
- duration - 00:50:16
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Внутренняя поверхность ног, область таза
В данном комплексе ключевым элементом является Самоконасана (поперечный шпагат) и расправление тазобедренных суставов во фронтальной плоскости.
- duration - 00:34:38
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