Chyawanprash can be called a symbol of Ayurveda - the ancient science of maintaining perfect health. This is one of the most famous rasayanas, the mention of which dates back to the second century BC. The chyawanprash recipe was first recorded in the Charak Samhita by the sage Charaka, and is also mentioned in such sacred Vedic canons as Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita, Dhanvantari Samhita, etc. Chyawanprash is a powerful natural bioregulator that strengthens the immune and endocrine systems; balances metabolism, keeps tissues young, and the brain active and awakened. The biological activity of this composition is almost twice as high as that of ginseng, therefore, since ancient times, chyawanprash has been called the “balm of immortality”.
There is an ancient legend that tells about the enlightened sage Chavan, who, sensing the approach of old age, in his prayer turned to the divine aspects, the demigods of Ayurveda - Ashvini Kumaram, with a request to grant him youth. Knowing about his righteousness and asceticism, the Devatas (divine beings) gave him the recipe for the elixir of youth. The sage went to the foothills of the Himalayas and collected there 49 indicated herbs and minerals. Over the next three days, he prepared the composition, which he took every year for 108 days. Thanks to this, he regained his youth and vitality and, as legend has it, he lived for another thousand years. And when the time came to leave the physical world, he left his body, which was without signs of old age and disease. Since then, the formula of this elixir has become known and recorded in the Vedic texts, and the composition itself has received the name of the sage Chavan.
Chyawanprash is a sweetish-spicy mass that looks like fruit jam. At the heart of this composition is the fruit of amla , the Indian gooseberry, the richest source of vitamin C in nature. These fruits also have powerful immune-modulating and antioxidant properties, i.e. neutralize the action of free radicals. In addition to amla, the classic formula includes 48 more components. Among them are such famous Himalayan plants as haritaki (translated as a plant that steals the disease); ashwagandha ( herb that gives strength to the horse ) - increases vitality; gokshura - a powerful tonic for the kidneys and genitourinary system, preventing the formation of stones; shatavari (having one hundred husbands) - has the properties to rejuvenate the female reproductive system, normalizes the monthly cycle, increases the ability of eggs to fertilize; punarnava - enhances the synthesis of hemoglobin and eliminates stagnation in the liver; shionaki - a plant that is used to treat rheumatism , arthrosis and colds; sinkhaparni - inhibits the reproduction and growth of staphylococcus, streptococcus, diphtheria and tubercle bacillus; musta - renders toxic action on many parasites, stimulates the digestive organs, strengthens the stomach; brahmi - the most important anti-aging agent of Ayurveda, stimulates and strengthens the nerves and brain cells, improves memory, eliminates headaches, enhances mental performance; mashaparni - used to prevent stroke, has antiplatelet and antipyretic effects; saffron - regulates the functions of the spleen and liver. The composition of Chyawanprash also includes calcium, silicon, iron, iodine, fluorine, gold, silver, as well as honey, nuts, spices and much more.

Thus, chyawanprash is a powerful life-supporting tonic that has a harmonizing and nourishing effect on the entire body. Possessing five tastes out of six (except salty), this composition balances all three doshas, restoring not only the physical balance of the body, but also the energy one. Studies by the International Association of Parapsychology have shown that even with a single application of chyawanprash, after 15 minutes, the human biofield is harmonized.
Medical studies have confirmed that this rasayana gives vitality and energy, nourishes the body with vitamins and trace elements; normalizes the work of the genitourinary system, promotes the formation of semen, harmonizes the flow of menstruation, heals infertility, helps the fetus to develop properly in the mother's womb. Chyawanprash is recommended for all types of acute and chronic respiratory diseases, including asthma, pneumonia, laryngitis, whooping cough, chronic bronchitis and especially tuberculosis. Its action normalizes metabolism and blood pressure, improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and cardiovascular system.
Chyawanprash is a general tonic. For certain diseases, it is taken together with Ayurvedic drugs, significantly enhancing their effect. For example, for prostatitis and impotence, it is used together with ashwagandha and gokshura; for arthritis and problems with the skeletal system - with shilajit (Himalayan mummy) and mahayogoraj gugul; with mental overload, memory loss - together with brahs; with problems of the cardiovascular system, it is used together with arjuna; taking together with triphala enhances the effect of cleansing the body of toxins; in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is recommended to take it together with sitopaladi churna.
All well-known Ayurvedic companies produce chyawanprash. The composition is based on the classical formula described in the Vedas, but some components can be changed or added in order to enhance one or another effect. Therefore, the appearance and taste of chyawanprash produced by different companies can vary significantly. For example, there is a formula with a pronounced sour-sharp taste, a warming effect, giving vitality and helping with colds, bronchitis associated with kapha imbalance, it is not suitable for people with high acidity. Many chyawanprashas are based on Himalayan honey, but some companies replace it with other ingredients, as honey causes allergies in some people. In such cases, a special chyawanprash is produced without hot spices and honey, but with the addition of aloe and rose petals. There are formulas with an increased content of gold and bhashma (specially prepared ash from precious stones and minerals), which makes chyawanprash more effective in the treatment of tuberculosis, loss of vitality and sexual weakness. There is a composition specifically for children, it has a pleasant taste, helps to enhance mental activity, improves memory, and improves immunity.
Chyawanprash has no side effects, but it may be contraindicated for people with a pronounced form of diabetes mellitus, acute chronic nephritis and pyelonephritis, gastritis with sharply increased acidity and an allergy to honey.
It is recommended to take chyawanprash 1 tsp. twice a day (children from 2 to 6 years old, ½ tsp) 15-20 minutes before meals or between meals. In case of respiratory diseases, influenza conditions or chronic diseases, the dose may be increased. When taking the paste, it is advisable to hold it in your mouth a little to contact the receptors of the oral cavity, and then swallow it with warm milk or water. The recommended course of taking chyawanprash is from 50 to 100 days.
This legend of Ayurvedic wisdom, which has passed through the millennia, continues to live in our time, helping to maintain health, youth and vitality.
Author: Vadim Ostras, Elena Ostras