Добрий день! Доцільно перед комплексами додавати пранаяму, наприклад калабапхаті? Дякую!
Yoga Masters
Зазвичай так, пранаяма перед практикою – доцільно. Але, звісно, якщо пранаяма в цілому доцільна у окремо взятому випадку.
Training set from Andrey Sidersky for those who have very little free time. 7 sets of 10 minutes each (last, seventh, 20).
The level of difficulty is moderately high, because it is quite difficult to achieve a good effect in 10 minutes using asanas of a basic level of difficulty. Only the first complex is of a relatively average level of difficulty (bakasana and headstand, which can be performed against the wall). However, the lotus can always be replaced with a half lotus.
Despite the fact that the complexes are short, they have the full-fledged properties of a “vigorous” psychotronic training effect. They are built on the basis of the third "secret" component of the Yoga Workout system - free flow. When reality is constructed on the go, when practice is observed on the “inner screen” and formed on the fly depending on the task. However, the rules for constructing these training series are very clear, so they will work as intended, based on strict rules for matching the structure and respiratory series.
Complexes should not be performed more than one per day.
Добрий день! Доцільно перед комплексами додавати пранаяму, наприклад калабапхаті? Дякую!
Yoga Masters
Зазвичай так, пранаяма перед практикою – доцільно. Але, звісно, якщо пранаяма в цілому доцільна у окремо взятому випадку.
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Our catalog consists of: about 116 sequences, 47 workshops and 24 courses
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