Инна , спасибо большое за комплекс ! Результат почувствовала сразу . Уснула через 20 мин и спала без пробуждений и сновидений
Для меня это и есть нужный эффект )

The complex is designed for completely novice practitioners, but who have already tried yoga. The sequence consists of simple asanas, with the possibility of complicated variations. Even if you are an advanced practitioner, you can also use this complex if you feel that you have accumulated enough fatigue and you just want a soft, even, deep practice. We all want to relax in a short time as best and as much as possible. This complex makes it possible to increase the proportion of deep sleep. This means that we qualitatively increase deep sleep, because it is at this time that the body recovers.
There are several constituent elements that create the magic of relaxation in this complex:
- work with metronome
- we are in asanas for a certain number of respiratory cycles
- deep, full breathing
- a certain sequence of asanas
We recommend doing it after seven o'clock in the evening or a few hours before bedtime or right before going to bed. Can be performed 1-3 times a week, not more often.
Обычно долго не могу заснуть, если ноги холодные. Этот комплекс суперски разгоняет кровь, но не тонизирует, в ногах становится тепло, сон безпрерывный. Большое спасибо!
Инна, благодарю за прекрасный комплекс. Отлично расслабляет, спиться легко.
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Our catalog consists of: about 116 sequences, 47 workshops and 24 courses
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