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Complex on "Yoga of Intention" №10. Medium level of difficulty. This time we have added a new option - audio training. When the complex is fully studied, there is no need to turn on the video, you can simply turn on the MP3 audio file and perform the complex under the guidance of Andrey Vladimirovich.
The complex consists of:
- the first and second training sessions are of medium difficulty;
- the whole complex without theory.
The complex can be used as morning exercises, or after work for tuning or during work, in order to shake up, recharge, bring yourself into a smooth, calm, clear and working state.
This complex was developed and demonstrated by Andrey Vladimirovich Sidersky. You can perform this complex throughout the day. Parts of the complex can be combined and alternated as desired. The ideal breathing option is dictated by Andrey Vladimirovich, but to master the complex it can be changed to any comfortable one.
Sequence «Yoga Intentions» №10
online viewing and downloading
Весь комплекс целиком без периодических объяснений некоторых моментов выполнения упражнений. Ровно 38 минут тренировки. Для тех, кто полностью изучил комплекс
- duration - 00:38:26
- See screenlist
КОМПЛЕКС «ЙОГА НАМЕРЕНИЯ» №10. Комплекс + теория.
Комплекс среднего уровня сложности из относительно простых асан, принадлежащих к категории наиболее «пси-эффективных» с объяснением особенности некоторых моментов выполнения асан из данного комплекса.
- duration - 00:43:22
- See screenlist
Аудиотренировка «Йога Намерения №10»
Аудиотренировка комплекса «Йога Намерения №10» Андрея Сидерского.
- Format .mp3
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