The beginning of a cycle called "Transitional Movements in the Yoga of Intention Series". Read the description carefully, watch and study the video, and only then start practicing.

We offer you two series of figures, compiled according to the algorithms of Andrey Sidersky's system. The level of complexity of the figures is basic, that is, accessible to everyone, even those who are just starting their acquaintance with yoga gymnastics. If you still find that some figures are not available to you in full, you can simplify them, that is, perform them the way your body allows you. In future videos, we will gradually increase the level of difficulty and supplement the series with other options for transitional movements. But, despite the low level of complexity, we recommend experienced practitioners and teachers not to neglect these series, gradually master the dynamic component on simple exercises in order to transfer the acquired skills to more complex forms in the future.

dr************[email protected]

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Transitional movements in the Yoga Intention series 1-2

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Последовательность №2 с комментариями

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Последовательность №2 без комментариев

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