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A detailed analysis by Andrey Sidersky of 5 asanas:
- urdhva-chaturanga-danda-asana with a rounded back
- bend lying on the chest (with locks or gripping the shins)
- a variant of navasana - “boat” poses (with stretching of the lumbar spine and lifting the feet)
- Spider Pose (ornanambhana asana)
- lateral bending and pulling stops
In this video lesson, Andrey Vladimirovich tells in detail how to do asana correctly, and how it is wrong and why. How to correctly “enter” the asana and how to “exit” the asana. Tells where to start, if the asana is still not working out, what other simplified options to replace. Why do you need to do this asana?
Asana theory №5 | spider, lateral extensions, deflections, special version of «navasana»
online viewing and downloading
Урдхва-чатуранга-даньда-асана со скруглённой спиной
- duration - 00:05:20
- See screenlist
Прогиб лёжа на груди (с замками или захватом за голени)
- duration - 00:12:03
- See screenlist
Вариант навасаны - позы «лодки» (с вытягиванием поясничного отдела позвоночника и подъёмов ступней)
- duration - 00:11:17
- See screenlist
Поза «Паука» (орнанамбхана-асана)
- duration - 00:06:53
- See screenlist
Упоры с боковым сгибанием и вытягиванием
- duration - 00:11:29
- See screenlist
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