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Master the basics of yoga with experienced instructor Slava Hutsaliuk in the course «Yoga for Beginners».

This course consists of 8 sessions and is designed for those who are just starting their journey in yoga or want to systematize their knowledge and practice. Slava Hutsaliuk, a qualified instructor with many years of experience, offers a comprehensive approach that will help you build a strong foundation for further development.

What will you gain from the course?

In this course, you will learn how to properly perform basic asanas, control your breathing, and concentrate your attention. Slava Hutsaliuk will explain the importance of a systematic approach to yoga, which includes not only physical exercises but also an understanding of how to work correctly with the body and mind. You will learn how to avoid mistakes while performing asanas and how to use props, such as bricks, to facilitate and improve your practice.

Benefits of the course:

  • Comprehensive approach to mastering yoga
  • Systematization of knowledge and practice
  • Learning basic asanas and breathing techniques
  • Practical tips for effective training

Who is this course for?

«Yoga for Beginners» is suitable for those who are new to yoga, as well as those who want to systematize their knowledge and improve their practice level. Regardless of your experience level, this course will help you better understand the basics of yoga and take the first steps toward body and mind harmony.

Start your journey into the world of yoga and gain valuable knowledge and skills that will form a strong foundation for your future practice!


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Course «Yoga for beginners» (UA)

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Перше заняття

Йога як система. Теоретичне заняття.

Друге заняття

Вправи для дихання, медитації, релаксації.

Третє заняття

Дихання і йога.

Четверте заняття

Звʼязок дихання з рухом.

Пʼяте заняття

Ознайомлення з першими вправами – положення стоячи, будова, виконання, суть, вплив.

Шосте заняття

Положенння сидячи.

Сьоме заняття

Положення лежачи

Восьме заняття

Динамічні переходи, віньяси.