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Now we are forced to survive and live in stressful conditions for which it seems impossible to fully prepare and adapt.
A little theory to begin with so that we better understand what is happening to us.
According to the theory, stress goes through 3 stages:
1. stage of anxiety - there is a mobilization of forces.
2. stage of resistance - the body resists stress with all its forces and reserves.
3. stage of exhaustion - stress becomes chronic and the body's biological reactions to it worsen physical and mental health, namely:
- the muscles are in a state of constant tension, which provokes headaches and migraines, musculoskeletal pain in the lower back, general muscle contraction, tendon-fascial compressions and a decrease in the amplitude of healthy movement;
- the respiratory tract narrows, which can provoke asthma attacks and panic attacks;
- blood pressure increases, which increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke;
Long-term stress leads to chronic fatigue, depression, malfunctions in the reproductive system and metabolic disorders (diabetes, obesity).
We will not fight with stress. We offer you a package of programs to erase the effects of chronic stress by working with the body, breathing and attention, as well as to create such a physical and psycho-emotional state in which our body will react to chronic stress in a much more balanced way.
- 3 complexes for relaxation. Work with a metronome and slow breathing modes await you. Stretches and inclines slow down, calm and balance the work of the nervous system, stretch and relax the muscles.
- 2 complexes for recovery in the FIT mode realign attention, make muscles work in unusual combinations, form new neural connections.
- 1 complex for complete physical and psycho-emotional reboot. Again metronome, preparatory techniques and work with attention, obligatory shavasana at the end.
During training, you can perform only one complex, any one. But the best effect will be if you perform 2 complexes in combination at least once a week in one workout:
relaxation + recovery
relaxation + reboot.
When performing these complexes, focus on breathing modes. Let the flow of air flow evenly inside you, let the breath become the thread on which the necklace of your practice will be strung.
We have prepared program packages for beginner/basic and for advanced/intermediate level of practice.
Even if you have been practicing yoga for several years, it is quite possible that your current state, both physical and psycho-emotional, will not give you the opportunity to practice at the middle level right now. This is normal. Start with the basic software package.
Good health and effective practice.
Balancing the physical and psycho-emotional state (UA)
online viewing and downloading
Комплекс шостий
Комплекс для повного фізичного та психоемоційного перезавантаження.
- duration - 00:32:30
- See screenlist
We recommend
Our catalog consists of: about 116 sequences, 47 workshops and 24 courses
A series of sequences
A series of lessons
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