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Recording intensive Andrey Sidersky for experienced practitioners and professional yoga teachers. The intensive training program was compiled on the basis of the latest developments in the "Yoga of Intention", which Andrey Vladimirovich is currently working on. In general, the latest, most interesting, but very difficult, so before you buy, soberly assess your level of fitness by viewing the screenshot and promo video. This is Andrey Sidersky's anniversary training intensive, dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of yoga practice.
Description of this event from Andrey Vladimirovich:
"Do you remember how it all began? Everything was for the first time and again ... "
“In the fall of 1986, I was invited to the Forma cooperative to teach yoga gymnastics in the hall of secondary school No. 100 in Podol in Kyiv. Until that time, there were different things - sports swimming, scuba diving, diving instructors ... Elements of yoga gymnastics in general physical education, but nothing more. I did yoga just for myself. My yoga activity as such began with the hall of the cooperative "Forma". And it was cool. I just came to the gym and did the training "from the lantern" - as it went ... There was no methodological development, nor the desire to adapt the exercises "to the client." There was hatha yoga, which is called "in the flow." Then there were tough “ticher” intensives in Chernigov, on Tarkhankut, in Kastropol, in Katsiveli, Moscow region, Leningrad region. Many now-famous teachers went through this "tin" then.
In the fall of 2016, thirty years have passed since the moment when “everything began” for me as a yoga teacher. In honor of this date, I will conduct an intensive for experienced practitioners and professional yoga teachers “in the spirit of those times” - yoga gymnastics “as it is”, as I do it for myself - a “free flow” of real male practice without simplifications, methodical tricks and indulgences.
Fitness Level Required: Pure Full Lotus, Full Lotus Gripping, Underarm Leg, Leg Overhead, Two Legs Overhead, Clean Lower Handstands and Pushups, Upper Scorpion, and Upper Handstand – Though against the wall, a headstand, from complicated basic backbends - rajakapotasana with a grip, a bridge with a half lotus, natarajasana, from twists - a classic full matsyendrasana, baddha-parivritta-vatayanasana.
Intensive for experienced practitioners and professional yoga teachers
online viewing and downloading
Интенсив для опытных практиков и профессиональных йогатичеров
Тренировочная программа интенсива составлялась на основе последних разработок по «Йоге Намерения», над которыми сейчас работает Андрей Сидерский.
- duration - 03:00:25
- See screenlist
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