The sequence of movements of the "Evening Namaskars" series will allow you to get rid of stagnation and tension along the spine and in the internal organs, relieve the emotional burden from stressful situations that we inevitably experience during the day. Thanks to a balanced load, fullness and depth of breathing, this complex activates the activity of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, which will become the key to a deep and healthy sleep, a full restoration of the body in a natural way! Complexes are very useful to perform in the evening or afternoon. In addition to the morning complex, it must be performed in the morning.

Complex "Morning warm-up namaskars". A "man of a big city" lives in such conditions when it is almost impossible to avoid stressful situations and a "semi-sitting" lifestyle, which leads to mental and physical health problems.
The complex of exercises "Surya Namaskar" in this case is almost a panacea for virtually any person living in the city, despite the fact that it takes only 15-20 minutes a day to complete it.

ul***********[email protected]

Замечательный комплекс. Недолгий, но прорабатывает очень аккуратно все тело. После него, действительно, чувство расслабления!

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Sequences «Evening Namaskars» + morning warm-ups

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