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Congratulations! This text is a kind of guide, a concise instruction for using training series. You have videos to practice with us. Here we will describe some nuances.
1. The training series consists of asanas - static poses. We call movement (movement) between static poses "transitions". We make all transitions synchronously with breathing. This is a fundamentally important point - our movements must be synchronized with our breathing. To do this, we divide transitions into parts. Each part is performed simultaneously with one of the breathing cycles (inhalation or exhalation). The last part of the transition always coincides with exhalation - this is the rule! To breathe freely in transitions, try to move evenly. Take your time to get to the end point.
2. We use voiced breathing called "ujjayi". In this breathing technique, the glottis is partially covered. Inhalation and exhalation are accompanied by a characteristic hissing sound. The sound should be even, without sharp changes. If you don't immediately succeed in breathing using this technique, then try the following: in a sitting position, exhaling through the nose, say the sound "ha-ah-ah-ah" to yourself. Then transfer this hissing into your breath. If during practice you still do not manage to voice your breath, and you feel excessive tension in your throat, then just breathe quietly and evenly.
3. Each asana must be fixed and breathed in it. There are also dynamic inserts (exercises) for many asanas, which we call "pendulums". Such a figurative name quite accurately reflects the essence of inserts - cyclical repetitions of one part of the transition. We call the total number of breaths in asanas and pendulums "breathing mode". Each series can be done in one of three modes:
- Express - Short
- Basic
The modes differ in the number of breaths in the phases of fixation and pendulums and, accordingly, the time you will spend on training.
4. We recommend starting with Express mode. In this mode, you can do all three sets in one workout. Or do three series during the day: one in the morning, one in the afternoon, one in the evening. If you don't have enough time, then do one series per day.
Practice for a while in Express mode, and switch to Short mode. In this mode, you can do one or two series in one workout.
Once you are familiar with the Short mode, switch to the Basic mode. It is in this mode that training series reveal their full potential.
Our recommendations: do not do more than one series in one day in this mode!
When you master all three series in all three modes, you can combine them in one workout. The principle is very simple - the number of breathing movements in each subsequent series should increase. If you do three series in one workout, then the sequence of modes for them will be:
- Express - Short
- Basic
In the next workout, you can change the series. The main rule is not to repeat the same series twice in one training day!
5. You have videos of all three series in all three modes, as well as schematic images of the series. Start with video practice. If for some reason it is not convenient for you to practice with the videos, then carefully watch them as many times as necessary to remember the transitions and the technique of performing the asanas. When you practice on the video, remember the technique of exercises and transitional movements, you can proceed to practice according to the schemes. Conventional designations under the icons (images of asanas) on the diagrams are very simple:
- Triangle - dynamics, pendulum.
- Square - statics, asana fixation.
- Number – the number of breathing movements in the pendulum and/or fixation.
The author-developer of the system Andriy Siderskyi and the teachers of the YWSAS project wish you a successful practice!
Yoga for PTSD
online viewing and downloading
1.1 Basic
- duration - 00:25:14
- See screenlist
1.1 Express
- duration - 00:11:03
- See screenlist
1.1 Short
- duration - 00:16:21
- See screenlist
1.2 Basic
- duration - 00:22:27
- See screenlist
1.2 Express
- duration - 00:13:00
- See screenlist
1.2 Short
- duration - 00:16:54
- See screenlist
1.3 Basic
- duration - 00:25:18
- See screenlist
1.3 Express
- duration - 00:14:19
- See screenlist
1.3 Short
- duration - 00:18:41
- See screenlist
2.1 Basic
- duration - 00:25:00
- See screenlist
2.2 Basic
- duration - 00:22:34
- See screenlist
2.3 Basic
- duration - 00:23:13
- See screenlist
2.4 Basic
- duration - 00:22:50
- See screenlist
2.5 Basic
- duration - 00:26:46
- See screenlist
2.7 Basic
- duration - 00:24:57
- See screenlist
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Our catalog consists of: about 116 sequences, 47 workshops and 24 courses
A series of sequences
A series of lessons
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