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We present to your attention a series of lessons on pranayama. In this series, we tried to reveal pranayama as a breathing exercise technique as much as possible, not only to cleanse the “subtle body”, improve the movement of prana (life energy) through the nadis (channel system), but also to improve the general condition of the body and the digestive system, which is so important for our immune system.
Breathing is a very important energy-forming and vital process of our body. If a person does not eat, lives for about a month, does not drink water - about 7-15 days, does not breathe - 3-6 minutes. Breathing and nutrition are processes that form our health, build our body, support its vital activity, fill it with energy and strength. With regard to these processes, it is necessary to constantly be attentive, rebuild them for yourself, study their functioning and features in order to properly maintain a high vitality.
The course consists of the following complexes:
- complexes "Awakening respiratory movements"
- complex "Active breathing"
- complex "Calm breathing"
- wellness breathing - lesson 1
- wellness breathing - lesson 2
- complex "Meditative-respiratory harmonization"
- + bonus "Self-massage of internal organs"
Complex "Awakening respiratory movements"
Our movements are inextricably linked with the respiratory system! And depending on what actions we perform, our breathing becomes either deep and calm, or frequent and intermittent.
This series presents breathing movements that are logical to perform in 3 positions: standing, sitting and lying down. A very important element is the trajectory and amplitude of hand movement. This creates a forced activation of the respiratory structure through a huge number of impulses and signals from the motor areas to the respiratory segments of the brain! Even if we cannot consciously perform a full breath, these actions reflexively awaken our respiratory structure, external and internal. And the combined activity of antagonist muscles creates a wider range of motion of the abdomen, diaphragm and chest, which significantly increases the volume of inhaled and exhaled air!
Complex "Active breathing"
A set of breathing techniques that help activate our body at the level of each cell! The breaths of this block awaken and activate the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system! This leads to the activation of all functions, organs and systems of the body that support full performance in the waking state! It is very logical to perform these respiratory elements in small blocks in the morning as a hygiene of the respiratory system! With these breathing actions, it is very correct to anticipate a great load, both physical and psycho-emotional!
Complex "Calm breathing"
The parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system becomes active when we perform any breathing action from this block! These breaths reduce neuromuscular activity and bring the state of our body into a rather relaxed and balanced calm state. It is logical to perform them before going to bed, in the evening. So our brain will restore us much more productively after a day full of emotions, impressions and stresses.
Healing Breathing - Lessons 1-2
Healing breathing, with detailed comments and recommendations on the technique of execution and the number of repetitions of respiratory actions performed. The amount and degree of activity, the amplitude and depth of breathing are regulated as your body is trained, or determined by a specialist.
The main task of these actions is a complex health-improving load on the respiratory system and the circulatory system!
We offer you simple movements that, with regular practice, can bring your respiratory component to a high level of healthy functioning!
- the first block is motor-respiratory movements that develop the activity of the respiratory zones and strengthen them!
- the second block is a set of active breathing practices, which are best performed in the morning or in the evening, before an active session. It consists of hyperventilating breaths combined with an extended pause after inhalation or exhalation! These actions activate the neuromuscular, vascular, respiratory function in general.
- the third block consists of a set of breathing techniques that are logical to perform in the evening, or after overly active loads: physical, emotional, psychological, stressful! They contribute to general relaxation and rapid restoration of the functioning of the whole organism at the cellular level!
Complex "Meditative-respiratory harmonization"
Have you ever wondered what emotions mean to you and how they affect your health? When we have heaviness in the liver or stomach, an attack of tachycardia, constipation, few people can link this with their psycho-emotional state. Well, just think, I got angry at someone, offended, scared, angry, sad for a long time. The psyche is one of the components of the trinity of the human body, as a muscular and autonomic nervous system with internal organs. Since there is an inseparable connection between them, it is reasonable to assume that emotions, as frequent manifestations of mental processes, are capable of influencing the muscular structure and internal organs. This influence can be beneficial, or it can be destructive. In order to neutralize the destructive effect of negative emotions on the internal organs and the body as a whole, you are offered breathing-meditative gymnastics, which is based on reproducing a certain range of sound vibrations, presenting color images and experiencing a state of inner comfort and joy.
Self-massage of internal organs
It is no secret that the organs of the abdominal cavity and chest perform not only the function of digestion, blood circulation and respiration, but also endocrine, immune, detoxifying, and excretory functions. We can safely say that they are the generators of our energy, vitality, performance, positive mood. The importance of the proper functioning of these organs cannot be overestimated. If their well-coordinated work is disturbed, the whole body suffers, a lot of diseases arise. It is not always possible to completely eliminate the disturbances that have arisen in their work, restore lymph flow and blood circulation with medication, phytotherapy, and even proper nutrition. One of the most effective actions, as the experience of many years of practice shows, is self-massage. The techniques presented in this series allow you to independently harmonize the work of internal organs and help maintain a good level of health, regardless of age. The sequence, the degree of activity, the number of manipulations performed and a positive attitude (inner smile, state of joy, positive thinking, visualization of a positive result) are very important.
Course «Pranayama»
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Пробуждающие дыхательные движения в положении стоя
В этой серии представлены дыхательные движения, которые логично выполнять в положении стоя. Очень важным элементом является траектория и амплитуда движения рук.
- duration - 00:16:08
- See screenlist
Пробуждающие дыхательные движения в положении сидя
В этой серии представлены дыхательные движения, которые логично выполнять в положении сидя. Очень важным элементом является траектория и амплитуда движения рук.
- duration - 00:23:43
- See screenlist
Пробуждающие дыхательные движения в положении лёжа
В этой серии представлены дыхательные движения, которые логично выполнять в положении лёжа. Очень важным элементом является траектория и амплитуда движения рук.
- duration - 00:16:06
- See screenlist
Активное дыхание
Набор дыхательных техник, которые способствуют активизации нашего организма на уровне каждой клетки.
- duration - 00:38:48
- See screenlist
Спокойное дыхание
Парасимпатический отдел вегетативной нервной системы приходит в состояние активности, когда мы выполняем какое-либо дыхательное действие из этого блока.
- duration - 00:21:53
- See screenlist
Пранаяма оздоровительное дыхание — урок 1
Оздоровительного дыхания, с подробными комментариями и рекомендациями по технике выполнения и количеству выполняющихся повторений дыхательных действий.
- duration - 01:21:42
- See screenlist
Пранаяма оздоровительное дыхание — урок 2
Оздоровительного дыхания, с подробными комментариями и рекомендациями по технике выполнения и количеству выполняющихся повторений дыхательных действий.
- duration - 01:05:02
- See screenlist
Медитативно-дыхательная гармонизация
Для того, чтобы нейтрализовать разрушающее действие негативных эмоций на внутренние органы и организм, вам предлагается дыхательно-медитативная гимнастика, которая основана на воспроизведении определенной гаммы звуковых вибраций.
- duration - 00:31:35
- See screenlist
Самомассаж внутренних органов
Техники, представленные в этой серии, позволяют самостоятельно гармонизировать работу внутренних органов и способствуют поддержанию хорошего уровня здоровья.
- duration - 00:38:05
- See screenlist
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Our catalog consists of: about 116 sequences, 47 workshops and 24 courses
A series of lessons
A series of lessons
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