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During the whole day Andrey Sidersky, Viktor Vasiliev, Oleg Linikh and many others conducted master classes on Yoga23 for beginners, Yoga23 Classic, Yoga23FiT, various target complexes. Unique master classes by Andrey Sidersky on qigong and pranayama were held. In addition, in the video selection you can find lectures by leading yoga teachers on the topics of yoga theory and practice.
Master class day consists of:
1. Qigong - Viktor Vasilyev, Andrey Sidersky Short Complex of Energy Dynamic Gymnastics (Yang Qigong) Ying Tianzhong style Yang Qigong is an extremely simple technique that teaches you to feel the "density" of space and interact with its energy. Allows you to increase your "own energy level". It has a high therapeutic efficacy in a variety of diseases and functional disorders. Virtually no contraindications. It is the best preparatory practice for mastering Y23 energy dynamic techniques. The practice of Yang Qigong is very well combined with the work on the development of asanas, as it improves coordination, increases sensitivity and warms up the whole body well. Therefore, we combined the study of Yang Qigong and basic asanas in one lesson. Action Yang qigong: optimizes the state of all organs and systems, balances all physiological processes; equalizes the density of energy distribution in all levels of the organization of the human body; activates insufficiently active physiological functions and reduces the activity of excess ones; provides harmonious energy of all organs and systems; increases the stability of vital functions and the overall vitality of the body; harmoniously enhances creativity, has a general healing effect on the body and mind. It can be used as an effective supplement in the complex of any therapeutic, rehabilitation and recreational activities. Yang qigong will be useful to you: if you feel that you simply do not have enough strength to “hold out” in some asanas; if it is in your personal program, and you have not yet fully figured out "what's what"; if you are looking for a simple and effective wellness practice. Practicing Yang Qigong is accompanied by performing simple asanas that allow you to consolidate and distribute the energy effect of the exercises. During the class, the movements of the Yang Qigong complex and a small number of simple asanas are explained and learned. All the techniques learned in the lesson are practiced and "work on the mistakes" is carried out.
2. The cycle of pranayama - Andrey Sidersky “The mind cannot be calm with unbalanced breathing. By gaining power over breathing, the yogi achieves a stable state of mind ... By the correct practice of pranayama, all ailments are eliminated, while ailments are acquired by incorrect pranayama. Swatmarama “Hatha Yoga Pradipika” “Neither mucus, nor bile, nor wind will ever get out of control in the body of a yogi who has mastered the art of pranayama. Therefore, he can painlessly neglect constancy in nutrition and rest ... And there will be no harm to him, no matter how much food he swallows, or malnourished, or does not eat anything at all ... Thus, the wise destroy the karma of his current life ... Sins and impurities of the mind burn …” “Shiva is a smart mind and a healthy body. Why, then, is there so much information in periodicals and the Internet about injuries and injuries received in yoga classes? After reading not the most colorful of them, many ordinary people place yoga in terms of danger somewhere between parkour and boxing, and beginners, having been injured in the first lesson, forever put a fat cross on it. During the lecture on injury prevention, you will be told a number of elementary rules that will help you avoid injuries during training (including individual ones). In particular, they will teach you how to enter and exit the asana correctly, how to twist, how to evenly “load” the supporting parts of the body, and much more. All this will help make your practice as safe as possible, and classes enjoyable and effective.
3. Lecture on safety in asanas - Oleg Linikh Yoga is one of the oldest psycho-physical practices. Efficient, versatile, fashionable. Helps to achieve a calm mind and a healthy body. Why, then, is there so much information in periodicals and the Internet about injuries and injuries received in yoga classes? After reading not the most colorful of them, many ordinary people place yoga in terms of danger somewhere between parkour and boxing, and beginners, having been injured in the first lesson, forever put a fat cross on it. During the lecture on injury prevention, you will be told a number of elementary rules that will help you avoid injuries during training (including individual ones). In particular, they will teach you how to enter and exit the asana correctly, how to twist, how to evenly “load” the supporting parts of the body, and much more. All this will help make your practice as safe as possible, and classes enjoyable and effective.
4. Yoga23 for beginners - Sergey and Anna Eremin Yoga23 for beginners is a step-by-step introduction to the theory and practice of Y23 and consists of practical exercises based on the flows and sequences of Y23 figures, a detailed explanation of the main pranayamas (theory and practice of breathing), as well as a detailed mastering the basic figures (asanas) of yoga. Classes include: studying the content of the Y23 methodology and its differences from other schools and movements of yoga; explanation of the basics of injury prevention, nutrition and cleansing of the body; detailed explanation of the main pranayamas (breathing techniques) Y23; principles of muscle tension and relaxation when performing figures (asanas); correct detuning of the geometry of the body shape in the figures, detailed study and study of the basic figures Y23; a series of practical exercises based on flows and sequences of figures Y23. All figures are built up individually, taking into account the state of the physical body of each participant of the training at the moment, this will allow you to prepare yourself for the practice of Y23 and yoga in general, will make it easy and comfortable to feel at any training, training, seminars and other Y23 events.
5. Target complexes:
- detox (cleansing the body of toxins) - Taisiya Pavlyukova The name of the complex comes from the word "detoxification" - cleansing the body of toxins and toxins. The lymph is responsible for removing toxins from the body. With this in mind, the detox complex improves lymph flow and blood flow in the body and thus has a positive effect on metabolic and detoxification processes. The results of a detox are usually: increased immunity, improved general well-being, normalization of sleep, stabilization of pressure, improvement in the appearance of the skin, complexion, and even weight loss as a result of improved metabolic processes in the body. The key to success is the regular implementation of this complex.
- antimigraine (prevention and help with severe headaches) - Svetlana Shlenchak With regular performance, the complex allows you to relax the muscles of the neck, helps to eliminate clamps in the spine, especially in the cervical region. With regular long-term performance, the complex helps to correct even the displacement of the cervical vertebrae. Accordingly, blood circulation and blood supply to the brain improves. But, there is one "BUT". The complex does not “work” like a headache pill - you will not be able to instantly calm the pain by performing the complex.
- male complex - Konstantin Buryak The complex is designed specifically for training men and bringing the male body into the primary athletic form. It is worth doing it in the morning as morning exercises at least three times a week. Do not perform this complex more than once a day. It is also not recommended for women to perform it. If you have health problems, please consult with your instructor before starting this program.
- women's complex - Lyudmila Zabalkanskaya The complex helps to preserve the beauty of the female body, in particular, it allows you to tighten the body, get rid of sagging skin, excess body fat, if they are present in a small amount (for example, you gained weight over the winter or while on vacation). The complex has a fruitful effect on the female genital organs, stabilizes the hormonal background, as well as the psycho-emotional state of the woman.
6. Lecture "Minus Asanas" - Viktor Petrenko There are a number of basic principles for adjusting the geometry of yoga gymnastics exercises. The use of these principles makes it possible to turn the asana into a powerful tool, to minimize the negative aspects and increase the overall coefficient of effectiveness of the practice. But among a large number of asanas, there are those whose performance negatively affects the structure of the musculoskeletal system, psychophysics and the general background of the practitioner's condition. And no matter how one correctly performs these asanas, it will not be possible to fully compensate for their negative aspects. At the lecture "Minus asanas" you will be able to get acquainted with some of them, learn several models of the idea of the body and the features of its interaction with the gravitational field. All this will allow you to understand and figure out which exercises and for what reasons should be excluded from practice in order to increase its effectiveness by an order of magnitude.
7. Yoga23 Classic with a metronome by Andrey Medvedev Andrey Sidersky's Yoga23 (Y23) training system is an information system for yoga practice. It is designed specifically for use in modern Western society. When it was created, possible negative side effects of practice were taken into account and eliminated, inherent in approaches whose programs were intended for practice in historical, climatic and information-wave conditions, very different from those in which we live here and now. All exercises used in the Yoga23 (Y23) system are among the most common and widely known physical, breathing and meditative yoga techniques. The high efficiency of the system is due to both the selection of exercises and the optimal methods of their application.
8. Yoga Nidra by Andrey Sidersky The technique of ultra- deep relaxation, the purpose of which is the integration of attention, as an organ of perception, into the daily life of a person. Working on the verge of a state of deep sleep and wakefulness allows you to get closer to understanding what is the logical result of the practice of hatha yoga and to feel the basic principles of techniques for entering the state of raja yoga.
Day of master classes: qigong, pranayama, Yoga23FiT, injury safety, target complexes, nidra.
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Цигун — Виктор Васильев, Андрей Сидерский
Короткий комплекс энергодинамической гимнастики (Ян-цигун) Ян-цигун стиля Йинг — предельно простая техника, которая учит ощущать «плотность» пространства и взаимодействовать с его энергией.
- duration - 00:51:35
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Цикл пранаям — Андрей Сидерский
Не может быть спокоен ум при неуравновешенном дыхании. Обретая же власть над дыханием, достигает йогин устойчивости состояния ума... Правильной практикой пранаямы устраняются все недуги, неправильной же пранаямой недуги приобретаются.
- duration - 01:02:45
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Лекция по травмобезопасности в асанах – Олег Линих
В ходе лекции по травмобезопасности вам расскажут ряд элементарных правил, которые позволяют избежать травм во время тренировок (в том числе и индивидуальных).
- duration - 00:48:21
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Yoga23 для начинающих – Сергей и Анна Еремины
Yoga23 для начинающих является пошаговым введением в теорию и практику Y23 и состоит из практических занятий, построенных на базе потоков и последовательностей фигур Y23, подробного объяснения основных пранаям (теория и практика дыхания).
- duration - 01:00:30
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Детокс, целевой комплекс (очищение организма от шлаков) – Таисия Павлюкова
Название комплекса происходит от слова «детоксикация» — очищение организма от шлаков и токсинов. Детокс-комплекс улучшает лимфоток и кровоток в организме и тем самым благоприятно влияет на обменные процессы в организме.
- duration - 00:20:10
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Антимигрень, целевой комплекс (профилактика и помощь при сильных головных болях) – Светлана Шленчак
При регулярном выполнении комплекс позволяет расслабить мышцы шеи, помогает устранить зажимы в позвоночнике, особенно в шейном отделе. При регулярном длительном выполнении комплекс помогает исправить даже смещение шейных позвонков.
- duration - 00:13:47
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Целевой комплекс для мужчин – Константин Буряк
Комплекс разработан специально для тренировки мужчин и приведения в первичную атлетическую форму мужского тела. Выполнять его стоит по утрам в качестве утренней зарядки не менее трех раз в неделю.
- duration - 00:22:41
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Целевой комплекс для женщин – Людмила Забалканская
Комплекс помогает сохранить красоту женского тела, в частности, позволяет подтянуть тело, избавиться от дряблости кожи, лишних жировых отложений, если они присутствуют в небольшом количестве (например, вы набрали вес за зиму или во время отпуска).
- duration - 00:21:37
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Лекция «Минусовые асаны» – Виктор Петренко
На лекции «Минусовые асаны» можно будет познакомиться с некоторыми из них, узнать несколько моделей представления о теле и особенностях его взаимодействия с гравитационным полем.
- duration - 01:22:34
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Yoga23 Classic с метрономом – Андрей Медведев
Все используемые в системе Yoga23 (Y23) упражнения принадлежат к числу наиболее распространенных и широко известных физкультурных, дыхательных и медитативных техник йоги.
- duration - 00:59:01
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Йога-нидра – Андрей Сидерский
Техника сверхглубокого расслабления, целью которой является интеграция внимания, как органа восприятия, в повседневную жизнь человека.
- duration - 01:05:16
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