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On this day, master classes by different teachers on various topics were presented: tai chi technique, yoga therapy, yoga for weight loss and detox, pranayama, anti-stress and office syndrome, couple yoga and just yoga for a comprehensive and high-quality workout. A record was also set for the number of people doing yoga at the same time.
Master class day consists of:
1. The complex "8 cuts of brocade" - Andrey Sidersky, Anastasia Fedorava "8 cuts of brocade" is an easy-to-learn, concise set of 8 exercises of the Chinese health-improving qigong system. According to one version, it was developed by a Chinese commander for the speedy emotional and physical recovery of soldiers after long and bloody battles. It does not require special physical training and has no restrictions on age and health status. It has a total impact on the psycho-physical and energy structures of a person, allowing you to level stress and remove mental blocks, leaving the mind peaceful and clear. Helps to solve health problems in almost any direction. Including contributes to the prevention and elimination of diseases that are not amenable to drug treatment (for example, vegetative-vascular dystonia). It takes less than a quarter of an hour to complete the mastered exercises, so the practice is easily integrated into any, even the most intense schedule. Being self-sufficient and extremely effective, the 8-piece Brocade qigong complex, however, harmoniously combines with other self-improvement techniques.
2. Yoga Slim complex - Svetlana Shlenchak, Konstantin Buryak Lose weight with health benefits and good mood. "Yoga Slim" is a good opportunity to effectively get in shape after the winter, review your regimen, start eating right, get an impulse for further work on yourself. The most successful result is not the one that is achieved quickly, but the one that is fixed for a long time. Therefore, the main objective of this course is to focus on regular training and proper nutrition in an urban environment. Form and reinforce new good habits. We do not set a goal to lose N kg in 13 days! Our goal is a healthy and beautiful body for a long time.
"Yoga Slim" will suit you if:
- Do you want to start leading a healthier lifestyle?
- Are you ready to change your habitual diet?
- you are able to train almost every day for 2 weeks even through “I can’t”.
3. Yoga therapy (Yoga and work with joints) — Elena Balandina, Viktor Petrenko, Pavel Makarin Movement is the most important manifestation of the vital activity of any organism, it is it that provides the possibility of active interaction between a person and the environment. Bones and joints play a leading role in the implementation of the support function and that is why they must have a good margin of safety. The main symptom of the disease is joint pain. It is pain that provokes an incorrect (forced) position of the body and is the leading factor in the onset of the disease. This master class is devoted to the problems of the occurrence and development of diseases of the joints, prevention and recovery from injuries of the joints and periarticular surfaces.
Theoretical part:
- the concept of neuromuscular provision of movement;
- the concept of a map of joints;
- what does the crunch in the joints mean;
- primary self-diagnosis of the nature of pain, evaluation of the pain index on an analog scale from 0 to 3;
- the most common sports arthrosis caused by injuries;
- the effectiveness of yoga gymnastics methods in the prevention and treatment of joint diseases. Features and principles of building practice;
- articular warm-up - a set of exercises for the feet, hands, neck and pelvis;
- a program for the prevention and rehabilitation of joint diseases, built on the basis of key yoga gymnastics techniques that have a high therapeutic effect.
4 . Athletic Hatha Mode - Anastasia Fedorova, Svetlana Shlenchak, Andrey Medvedev Athletic Hatha is a unique Yoga23FiT training mode based on hatha yoga exercises, reproduced in dynamics and synchronized with a clear respiratory rhythm. Due to dynamic repetitions, the maximum effect of working out the muscle relief is achieved, excess fat is removed, and the flow of fluids in the body is accelerated. With regular training, coordination, reaction, strength and endurance increase significantly. However, despite the seeming “physical culture” of this regime, those who train in full receive all the yogic “bonuses”: silence of the mind, clarity of consciousness, the ability to concentrate and realize oneself in the world - everything that contributes to the most effective realization of a person in society, regardless on the type of activity and preferences.
5. Pair yoga for body and soul - Vyacheslav Gutsalyuk The main mechanism of pair stretching is the force of gravity and relaxation. When you hang, relaxed, on the arms and legs of your partner, the nature of the circulation of the main fluids - blood and lymph - changes in your body. Relaxation of the body opens the spine - our main energy channel. This happens very gently, because the instrument of influence is the force of gravity of your own body. After this practice, due to the removal of internal clamps, the restoration of normal circulation of energy and the activation of many vital processes. The vestibular apparatus is improved, the greatest amplitude of movement of the joints, elasticity of muscles and ligaments is achieved, the process of harmonious redistribution of vital forces and energies is optimized.
It is difficult to stretch out on your own the way it can be done with the help of a partner:
- a large number of inverted asanas, which contributes to the outflow of stagnant blood from the lower extremities, oxygen enrichment of all tissues, renewal of the endocrine system;
- a pronounced therapeutic effect for the musculoskeletal system, due to the extension of the spine under its own weight;
- elements of pair yoga acrobatics will fully reveal the power potential of your body and put a new emphasis on the formation of neuromuscular coordination.
6. Detox (Complex for cleansing and renewing the body) - Svetlana Andryushchenko
The implementation of this complex allows you to start the lymph flow and activate blood circulation, increase the recovery and regenerative processes of the body. And also speed up metabolism, optimize the process of absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract, remove pesticides, toxins, preservatives. It is advisable to perform once a week during a fasting day on the water, or freshly squeezed juices.
7. The art of pranayama - Oleg Linikh, Alla Nosenko Breathing is a unique tool that connects our consciousness with all parts of our body and our subconscious. Acquiring perfect breath control is an art. Conscious breathing does not come by itself, but it can be learned.
8.Yoga Asana Express - Andrey Sidersky. Yoga Asana Express is a training algorithm for a new era. A training program for those who value their time and are inclined to achieve the highest possible efficiency of any action. In just one hour of training - a full-fledged result of harmonious gymnastics, powerful breathing practice and deep meditation. The training sequences of the Yoga Asana Express programs can be of any difficulty level - from beginner to master. Andrey Sidersky about the yoga asana express algorithm: “A special selection of exercises and a specific combination of breathing modes make it possible to create highly effective programs lasting no more than an hour, which is incredibly pleasing even to the busiest and most demanding practitioners.
+ Bonus - presentations by leading yoga teachers.
Day of master classes: yoga slim, tai chi, yoga therapy, pranayama, office, steam room and athletic
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Комплекс «8 отрезов парчи» — Андрей Сидерский, Анастасия Федорова
«8 отрезов парчи» — несложный для освоения, лаконичный комплекс из 8 упражнений китайской оздоровительной системы цигун. Cпособствует профилактике и устранению заболеваний, не поддающихся медикаментозному лечению.
- duration - 00:32:55
- See screenlist
Комплекс Yoga Slim — Светлана Шленчак, Константин Буряк
Худеем с пользой для здоровья и хорошим настроением. «Yoga Slim» это хорошая возможность эффективно прийти в форму после зимы, пересмотреть свой режим, начать правильно питаться, получить импульс для дальнейшей работы над собой.
- duration - 00:25:59
- See screenlist
Йогатерапия (Йога и работа с суставами) — Алена Баландина, Виктор Петренко, Павел Макарин
Этот мастер-класс посвящен проблемам возникновения и развития заболеваний суставов, профилактике и восстановлению после травм суставов и околосуставных поверхностей.
- duration - 01:19:08
- See screenlist
Режим «Атлетик Хатха» — Анастасия Федорова, Светлана Шленчак, Андрей Медведев
Атлетик-хатха — уникальный тренировочный режим Yoga23FiT, основанный на упражнениях хатха-йоги, воспроизводимых в динамике и синхронизированных с четким дыхательным ритмом.
- duration - 00:47:03
- See screenlist
Парная йога для тела и души — Вячеслав Гуцалюк
Основной механизм парных вытягиваний – это сила гравитации и расслабление. Когда ты висишь, расслабившись, на руках и ногах твоего партнера, в твоем теле изменяется характер циркуляции основных жидкостей – крови и лимфы.
- duration - 00:56:44
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Детокс (Комплекс для очищения и обновления организма) — Светлана Андрющенко
Выполнение данного комплекса позволяет запустить лимфоток и активизировать кровообращение, увеличить восстановительные и регенеративные процессы организма. А также ускорить метаболизм, оптимизировать процесс всасывания питательных веществ в ЖКТ
- duration - 00:30:16
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Искусство пранаямы — Олег Линих, Алла Носенко
Дыхание является уникальным инструментом, связывающим наше сознание со всеми частями нашего тела и нашего подсознания. Обрести совершенный контроль дыхания — это искусство. Осознанное дыхание не приходит само по себе, но этому можно научиться.
- duration - 00:48:04
- See screenlist
Yoga Asana Express — Андрей Сидерский
Йога Асана Экспресс— тренировочный алгоритм новой эпохи. Тренировочная программа для тех, кто ценит свое время и склонен добиваться максимально высокой эффективности любого действия.
- duration - 00:40:09
- See screenlist
Бонус — выступление Вячеслава Гуцалюка «Баланс»
Выступление Вячеслава Гуцалюка «Баланс»
- duration - 00:03:07
Бонус — Показательное выступление Оксаны Санниковой
Показательное выступление Оксаны Санниковой
- duration - 00:05:13
БОНУС — Выступление Вячеслава Гуцалюка «Асана»
Выступление Вячеслава Гуцалюка «Асана»
- duration - 00:04:16
БОНУС — выступление Вячеслава Гуцалюка «Антигравитация»
Выступление Вячеслава Гуцалюка «Антигравитация»
- duration - 00:08:40
БОНУС — показательное выступление Оксаны Голощаповой
Показательное выступление Оксаны Голощаповой
- duration - 00:06:18
БОНУС — выступление Вячеслава Гуцалюка «Доверие»
Выступление Вячеслава Гуцалюка «Доверие»
- duration - 00:06:30
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Our catalog consists of: about 116 sequences, 47 workshops and 24 courses
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