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Masterclass Day is a big event consisting of several theoretical and practical master classes by different teachers. All teachers are professionals with extensive teaching experience. The event was broadcast online. We present you a recording of this event.
Consists of these topics:
1. Meditation. Andrew Sidersky. Meditation for modern man: why practice it and how.
- meditation as a means of increasing the duration of the active phase of the life cycle;
- meditative attunement according to Patanjali as the basis for conscious control of mental activity. Detachment, background silence, stopping the internal dialogue - a component of the meditative setting;
- shambhavi mudra - a technique that turns yogi gymnastics into a meditation practice;
- work with the internal screen in various meditation modes of yoga gymnastics practice: meditative flow, meditative control, dynamic meditation, meditation in motion;
- dhyana pauses are a necessary element of the meditative training of yoga gymnastics practice.
Practice: four sets of asanas in four meditation modes.
2.1 Yoga and office work. Anna Eremina, Sergey Eremin. Restorative practice for people with sedentary work:
- changes that occur in the human body when sitting at a computer (office desk) for a long time;
- means of preventing postural disorders during prolonged sitting;
- yoga gymnastics (physical activity) as a means of restoring the body after prolonged immobility of the body;
Practice. Anna Eremina, Sergey Eremin. Restoring yoga gymnastics complex according to the Yoga23 method for office workers.
2.2 Yoga and office work. Practice. Taisiya Pavlyukova. Busy man's morning:
- washing
- warm-up
- morning complex like "Surya Namaskar" for 15 minutes
2.3 Yoga and office work. Practice. Pavel Makarin. Evening complex for the prevention of disorders and improve posture.
3. Emotional health and creativity. Irina Vorontsova, Anna Bezlyudnaya.
Theory. Irina Vorontsova. Yoga as a tool for activating the creative potential of a person and a way to stabilize the psycho-emotional state
- yoga as a path to oneself (disclosure of individuality)
- Stress and overwork are the scourge of modern society. yoga - as a way to harmonize the state, develop stress resistance and increase efficiency.
Practice. Anna Bezlyudnaya. The morning complex for activating the work of the brain and energizing for the whole day is a great start to a great working day.
Emotional health is the ability to understand yourself and be able to cope with life's problems. The ability to recognize and manage your feelings of anger, fear, sadness or stress is an important quality for any person. And hope, love, joy and happiness contribute productively to our emotional recovery.
Day of master classes: meditation, detox, yoga for the office, posture, productivity
online viewing and downloading
Лекция о медитации | Андрей Сидерский. День мастер-классов.
Медитация для современного человека: зачем ее практиковать и как.
- duration - 00:21:57
- See screenlist
Инструктаж перед выполнением комплекса | Андрей Сидерский. День мастер-классов.
Объяснение выполнения упражнений в комплексе.
- duration - 00:17:50
- See screenlist
4 комплекса асан | Андрей Сидерский. День мастер-классов.
Комплексы асан в разных медитативных режимах дыхания.
- duration - 00:56:10
- See screenlist
Восстанавливающая практика для людей с сидячей работой
Анна Еремина, Сергей Еремин. Восстанавливающий комплекс гимнастики йогов по методике Yoga23 для офисных работников.
- duration - 01:04:12
- See screenlist
Йога и работа в офисе | Практика. Павел Макарин.
Вечерний комплекс для профилактики нарушений и улучшения осанки.
- duration - 01:16:18
- See screenlist
Утренний комплекс типа «Сурья Намаскар» на 15 минут
Утро занятого человека: умывание, разминка, утренний комплекс.
- duration - 00:18:32
- See screenlist
Эмоциональное здоровье и творческий потенциал | Ирина Воронцова
Йога как инструмент активизации творческого потенциала человека и способ стабилизации психо-эмоционального состояния.
- duration - 00:33:11
- See screenlist
Творческий потенциал. Анна Безлюдная.
Утренний комплекс для активизации работы мозга и заряда бодрости на весь день — отличное начало отличного рабочего дня/
- duration - 01:03:00
- See screenlist
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